Cill Rialaig is located in Ballinskelligs, County Kerry in southwestern Ireland, a wildly beautiful and remote corner of the world. My husband (a landscape photographer) and I did an artist residency there for 2 weeks in October of 2017. Every day I went for a bike ride and soaked up the countryside, taking pictures both mentally and with my camera with the knowledge that I would be using this information to create mosaics based on the landscape I encountered. I made 10 mosaics measuring 10” x 12” each, with the plan that when I got home I would do a larger work. “Two Weeks in Ireland” is a composition that encapsulates my experience and brings together my lasting impressions of the place. The sky and what happened up there affected everything: the weather literally changes by the minute. I might leave for a bike ride with some light drizzle, within 15 minutes it could either be raining harder or the sun might momentarily appear. The colors of the landscape were breathtaking, the ever present green one associates with Ireland, greys and an abundance of warm earthy colors of bracken, peat, and various grasses and sedges. These are my favorite colors and so I did not miss BLUE, which was for all intents and purposes lacking. Foreground elements describe what was always close at hand: stone walls, hedgerows and lots of wire fencing both old and new.